Thursday, 8 November 2012

Does Current Indian Education System sustain only MUGGERS?

Education system of INDIA gives you every thing but practical  knowledge of life. What? You think I am exaggerating? Well, prove me wrong when you know how much is the seriousness of any project which we get from our teachers, when you know all you need to do to pass exams is one whole night cramming, when you know you can not recollect what you learned a year before to teach your juniors and when you know that there is almost negligible use of the academic knowledge in the practical world.

From our childhood we are told that education will make you live life happily. True, but tell me which kind of, the one we see muggers doing all the time? Believe it or not, this way has risen above all methods of studying in INDIA. How? As we all know we have got written tests with limited syllabus in every phase of our lives, may that exam of entrance or the regular one. This is where our mugger folks get the plus point and the very soul of education is killed. We should always remember that education is the name of learning the values of life not the facts as Einstein said.

It is always said that mugging is not the true studying. Let it be but what is harm in it when your purpose is served. What I mean is that in INDIA, the system of education is such that only a mugger has what it takes to sustain. Here, we have teachers who never teach anything the way we grasp things, the syllabus which is dull indeed but can not help it, classes with no healthy interaction among teacher and students, marking strategy which is beneficial for muggers as the regeneration of notes taken in class is most likely to be awarded full marks. We feel it as our good luck if any of the above mentioned hardship is not present in any case. Don't we?

Bottom line is that success achieved by mugging may be beneficial for the muggers but with this approach they are not doing any good to the society and to the nation. This should be avoided by bringing some reforms in the current education system. What can be done? Smart classes for good interaction of teachers and students, formation of syllabus done with care for evenness and usefulness of it, initiating the true study from the primary school can be some help in the revolution of education. Saying that these are not being initiated in INDIA would be wrong. I am just saying these notions should spread in people of INDIA as well as Indian Government as fast as possible.
Ask me my three main priorities for Government,
and I tell you: education, education and education.
(not the way the muggers use to study, but the way geeks do it)


"SLANG-O-MANIAC", well, not a word really but take care of it just for a minute and find where do you stand on it. Its totally on what answer you have for the question raised above. Slang is a word that many of us usually associate with poor grammar and questionable diction. Thus, slang is nothing like a nasty bee for some, whereas, a pain in the neck for others. To be true, I am totally fine with the slang also I love rap songs. Let it be the fact that slang is an attempt to insult any linguistic or dramatic decline in the writing abilities. Slang is all about the intimacy, insanity and informality which you want among your best buddies. Don't you? Cause they are those with whom you get freedom to express.

Slang is good among the people of same generation more specifically among social circle. So, always watch where you are using them because you are not supposed to spoil the society by uttering whatever your tongue balances or say being a "SLANG-O-MANIAC" doesn't mean being a real maniac. It is like disobedience to the elders when some younger uses slang among them. Also it's shameful to be used by them in the vicinity of someone younger. This is a courtesy which must be carried forever as it decides boundary or gap of a senior and a junior.

Slang always suffers censorship in reaching children. On the contrary, it has hardly ever not delighted them. This is a deal done to raise new generation free of slang but failed every time. Slang is something sown so deep that it hardly is out of dictionary of an urban man. So, it is useless to go beyond it. Its good if you do not practice slang language cause slang is itself sort of a taboo. But one who do are not to be considered as convict as it is only with slang we are keeping it all through freedom to express like our constitution says.

Now, lets have some serious lookout over this question of concern. Can it be avoided ever? Is it the new fashion of linguistic with new trends? See, we cannot ignore slang, as much as we cannot ignore how we perceive slang. The acceptability of a sentence depends on certain set of standards regarding vocabulary or a comprehensive phrase used in that sentence. May be slang is not considered standard but what's wrong if we shorten our conversation if it is convenient as we all know the slang terms are popularized on social networking or other chatting means among our social circles. Now-a-days, these are taught in academies as a part of language. So, things do not appear to change in near future. And what do I care for more, I am on the dark side if you say using slang is bad. End of story.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Cricket is a religion in INDIA, why not others?

Cricket, a game which the English invented, finds its rough existence from 16th century. A game which was played by them for dignity and royalty. This exclusiveness drove the game throughout the world during the British colonial era. Cricket, being a game played by the high class British colonialists and officers, was like a fantasy for the local people of the British colonies. And the case of INDIA was not special. From the time of British rule till now, cricket is a fashion in INDIA.

INDIA is a land of variety whatever may be the context. Talking of sports, people do have a large variety of liking in this context also but the density of cricket lovers is too much in our nation. Reason may be anything but its popularity has, for sure, eclipsed the value and recognition of other sports. How?  Cricket is the only sport which has make us gain a remarkable status internationally as INDIA was the first nation to receive the opportunity to host "WORLD CUP" in 1987 outside ENGLAND by the tremendous victory of this world championship by Indian cricket team in 1983.

Hockey may had get us 8 gold medals and for that it is our "National Game" in 1950s, when Major Dhyan Chand was a hero for India. But, things changed with continuous bad performance in the pages of Indian hockey's history. People started disliking it and moved towards cricket as an alternative sport. Another globally played sport, football is free from any triumph gained by India. 

Moreover, cricket is an opportunity to earn money. It has been seen that popularity of cricket in lower class and village people is very much for they see it as a turning for their life. Not only that it gives chance to earn money through bating but betting also. What more? Government is also benefited through this game as such events turnover is of very huge amount. 

Sports are watched as stress busters in India, so, any sport where the team we support loses every time is in absolute oxymoron to what we want. And Indian cricket has very bright records of achievements[hall of fame] yet not ceased to add more in it. We envy cricket players like Sachin Tendulkar and Kapil Dev. Why not players of other sports like Dhyan Chand, Mahesh Bhupati, Saina Nehewal and Vishwanathan Anand? We don't even enjoy an achievement in any sport apart from one achieved in cricket. Alongside, no recognition and appreciation for other sports by our Government is a big challenge for such sports. So title goes perfectly true that "Cricket is a religion in INDIA". 

Some people have an extreme love for cricket that they remember each and every classic event of cricket history. People have database of incomparable amount. People follow cricketers as if they would leave them with no privacy. Such die hard fans of cricket are, in my point of view, following this religion.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

A Utopian society is mere a distant dream in today's political scenario.

Our needs are not few, our desires are not limited and we want Utopia!

Utopia! A place where everything is perfect in superlative degree of comparison. A land of no war, no greed, few needs and less desires. Sound fascinating all these, aren't they? Just the way a priest would tell you of heaven. But, ask yourself, do they really exist? Ironical thing is that Utopia is a Greek word compound of the syllable ou-, meaning "no" and topos, meaning "place". It was first used by Sir Thomas More for his book Utopia. But the homo-phonic prefix eu-, meaning "good" also resonates in the word, with the implication that the perfectly "good place" is really "no place".[Wikipedia]

It is, no doubt, a delightful thing to talk about perfection; but the errors and absurdities are more amusing to ponder. So, talking of the real world, it can be said an epitome of distopia(anti-utopia) by all means. Why? Racism, capitalism, anti-feminism, terrorism, casteism, pollution, corruption and bad politics are the most serious issues that are rooted in the world so deep that their endings are impossible to see. We will not be able to breathe the air the second we come to know all the evils of this world. Can we still say we've hope? Well, we are all in gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.[Oscar wilde]

We have to ensure everyone's happiness for an Utopian society. But, everyone is ensuring his/her happiness on the cost of others'. The thing which has to play part to ensure equality to everyone is politics but the thing which it is doing is entirely different or contrasting as the rulers of politics get power in their hands and use them in every evil way possible. There is nothing bad in politics if its actions not harm anyone rather it is best way to achieve development if followed with norms and constitution which is a scheme of dream. We have democracy as the best form of governance. But, to our sorrow, it is based on the choice of majority not everyone. A person can understand everything but not people who don't understand them. Not to forget "It's not voting that's democracy, it's the counting".

We all have slipped our characters in the hands of cheat and betrayal for the fulfillment of our needs that, somehow, develop greed in us. It is us who are responsible for all the issues mentioned above as for now, we don't even see them as problems, we have accepted them as universal truths. If asked to a lot of rich and prosperous people whether they want a Utopian society, it should not be an astonishing answer to hear a NO as that will bring them to the common man's status without any privilege. Summing up all the discussion until yet it can be said that it is mere a distant dream to have a Utopian society in today's political scenario.

If you want to stop evil, stop participating it.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Empowerment of women requires rapid and thorough cleansing of our minds

    Frailty, thy name is woman!
                          William Shakespeare

These words may had their reference to the women of the sixteenth century but the status of women has not been bettered even today.
Worse, now women is another word for cowardice. How can I say so?  Actually, I am not saying it. Find the answer for yourself when I lay the facts before your eyes:
  • Women have not achieved equality with men in any country.
  • Of the world's 1.3 billion poor people, it is estimated that nearly 70 per cent are women.
  • Between 75 and 80 per cent of the world's 27 million refugees are women and children.
  • Of the world's nearly one billion illiterate adults, two-thirds are women.
  • Worldwide, 20 to 50 per cent of women experience some degree of domestic violence during marriage.
  • The majority of women earn on average about three-fourths of the pay of males for the same work, outside of the agricultural sector, in both developed and developing countries.
It seems to be a problem not of an ethnic group or a sector or a country, it is a problem of global domain. Then comes the question, who is responsible for it? On a very thorough encounter for this problem the only answer is the women themselves. Women have no wilderness in them, they are provident instead. Content in the tight hot cell of their hearts to eat dusty bread. Moreover, history is the evidence that every time women stood for their rights were brutally suppressed by the so called guards of religions. One believe it or not, every mythology has said the power given to woman is a disgrace to the society. Many wars and massacre prove it themselves. But why would man give chance to a woman to become his master?

It is not in giving life but in risking life that a man is raised above the animal; that is why superiority has been accorded in humanity not to the sex that bring forth but to that which kills.
One is not born woman: one becomes one that is when she is born,  the ambiance in which she is raised is fed up with the mentality that a woman can not do anything for her rights. But the tail of coin is if it could happen that men vacate their chairs, Women have to fill the chairs by themselves, It is never going to happen that chairs walk to them.  I do not wish them to have power over men; but over themselves.

Feminism is the most revolutionary idea there has ever been. Equality for woman demands the change in the human psyche more profound then anything a woman has dreamed of. It means valuing parenthood as much as we value banking. Yes, empowerment of women requires rapid and thorough cleansing of our minds because it is an inevitable truth that the demand of women equality finds its origin long ago in the sands of time but its achievement is not a one day's process. Apart from this, is is the two way process in which both men and women must stand as one but there is more difference within the sexes than between them.

In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth, women are not merely tolerated but valued. It is a seed sown for a tree known as "Empowerment of women" which only needs rapid cleansing of our minds for these[our minds] are filled with the thoughts that women are not worthy of equality.
If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?

Sunday, 21 October 2012


                                                                                        ___Katharine Whitehorn : Observations(1970)

When she wrote these lines, she never would have thought what being young would mean after 40 years. Now, being an adult is eagerly awaited as the age when one rakes some moolah. What is being taught to today's youth is "if possible honestly, if not, somehow, make money". These things are not just mere talks but have very deep indentations on minds of youths now-a-days. What else is the reason behind all this? How come the mentality of people took a turn? These are the questions of interest.

The world we live in is breathing the air of technology and to survive in this world we have to be an active part of it. It is an inevitable truth that our youth is so much handy with the technology as mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other gadgets are now the basic needs of our youths. Everyday, new technology comes and youth is the only target of all such baits. Moreover, "Money is like a sixth sense without which one can't make complete use of the other five".

Life of people, today, is filled with wishes and dreams which can't be fulfilled without money. In other words, people are turning overambitious now. Everybody wants to be richer than everyone else. Such thoughts are germinated in them from the very tender age as they are told that if they want the world to listen or follow them, they must have money. So, their psychology is to do whatever it takes to rake moolah, or say, they are brain washed. Apart from this, their wishes of childhood are postponed for the time when they start to earn, so, they have no choice left except from earning as early as possible. They think of earning money by themselves from their puerility and when they find themselves capable of doing so, they get drowned in the river of money-making, no matter wrong or right, no matter what it takes.

What is much popular in youths is giving tuition for the purpose of money. Apart from this, people have many other ways like blogging, vlogging(blogging of videos) and taking part in competitions but are not much popular. These are the creative ways of using one's talent which hardly raise any dust. But the tale ends not here, As the holy BIBLE says, "The love of money is the root of all evil", in the race of raking moolah, one may learn to deceive, cheat and fraud. A very good example being the temptations of network marketing. A so-called well known way for living the dreams is nothing but web of betrayal.

Sometimes, people choose the path which is not wrong, actually, but it is not their choice. For instance, Many students choose engineering as their carrier but end up as a failure and the reason turns out to be that they chose it for it gave a lot of money but it wasn't their choice of heart, sometimes family pressure also comes into picture.
At the end of this post, a famous quotation goes as:   


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